I've been living at Bellevue Towers about two months now and have had to endure many of the issues that come along with new construction. I've tried to let things go, but overall, the issues have been fairly overwhelming and have tested the patience of many residents, mine especially. I've tried to get some quick resolution to issues, but the resolutions have come slowly. The builders and the management address the smaller issues quickly, but the big problems are never really solved.
I've tried to get them to fix a lot of the issues, but the main problem is that the this building wasn't/isn't ready for tenants to move in. And if the further up you're up in the Towers, the further you are from a livable unit.
So what do I want out of this blog?
1) I want vent my pent up frustrations at the builder for not satisfying their end of the bargain when I moved into this "luxury" condo.
2) I want things fixed and them to further acknowledge that residences were not complete when I moved in.
But is it really benefiting me? Probably not. The towers are extremely empty, whenever I look out my window for new residents, all I see are vacant units. This blog probably does nothing for the property value in these floundering economic times and probably kills any hope of me selling off this place in the near future. Oh well, I can accept that. Living in this condo hasn't been a pleasant experience at all.
The first topic I'll start off on is the
BAD water. It tastes putrid. If you ever come for a tour, try some water from the faucets around the building. It tastes awful. The water is impossible to cook with as it makes your food taste like the water. These are paraphrases from actual Bellevue Towers employees:
"I wouldn't drink the water if I were you. I'd actually cook w/ bottled water. "
"I tried to take a sip of the water fountain and it tasted like sh*t. I almost threw up drinking that"
"I tried to drink that water, but wow, it was something else"
note: the tone of the quotes are not embellishedI don't know if that's what you would call a glowing recommendation. Currently they are doing some testing on the quality of the water to determine if there are any issues w/ the taste. Umm.. yea..,. it tastes awful. At this rate, I don't think I'll have any potable water until the end of the year. Maybe by then, this place will pick up.
PS - Will try to post on other issues soon.
update [5/22]: So Bell Towers did some testing of the water with an independent third party and concluded the water was safe, even better than a source which had better tasting water. Okay. But that doesn't solve my concern about the taste. It's plasticky and permeates all your cooking and everything you drink.
As stated earlier, I got at least three Bellevue Tower employees to acknowledge the poor taste quality of the water here. The development company said the water tastes fine to them and the taste is subjective. Umm... I got three of your own employees to acknowledge the terrible taste and other residents as well. Anyway, get ready to buy some water filters when you move in and bagged ice too. [note: the development company personnel I've interfaced with are former SoCal residents, so I'm just assuming any drinkable water is fine. But damn, this is the Northwest.]