So I stopped posting for a little bit and made my blog private... why? Several reasons..
1) Since I put this blog up, I knew I was bound to get some hate and feel some side effects. I thought I would get some hate from media or maybe, the developer, but I got a call from a tenant on my floor lambasting me about my blog and that I shouldn't have made it a public matter. The tenant said I should have taken it up with developer - "I know you're pissed off, but this is no way to take care of it, you should take it up w/ the developer, Gerding Edlen. They'll take care of you. The only thing you're doing is causing trouble and driving down our home values"...
2) That is a great segue to two other points.
A) When I approached Gerding Edlen about my problems they totally brushed me aside. My months of emails were escalated up the chain until I spoke with Mark Johnson, Gerding Edlen's Customer Care Head. With all the issues, I was hoping to at least get a nice water filter as compensation, but their response was that they took no culpability and that elevator failures, lack of hot water, lack of good drinking water, loud constant construction noise, and extremely delayed completion of amenities spaces were standards in construction. (btw, I was compelled to write this post b/c I was again woken up by construction on my day off. Let me sleep in. Please! will detail in another blog entry.)
B) About a month after with my meeting with Mark, Bellevue Towers slashed prices by 20% making my unit almost under water. Obviously this ticked me off big time. Unexpectedly, the realty company, Realty Trust, came to me and asked me my thoughts on the issue and said that I could make a proposal and that the ownership board would hear it out and make proper compensation. Really? Patrick Clark, the principal, at Realty, the person I met with, seemed like a genuinely nice guy and wanted to make amends between the current residents and the developer. I wrote a proposal on August 7th and was told that I wouldn't get a response from ownership 'til Christmas time. Four months? At this point, i'm assuming it is some stall tactic and that I'll be informed of the news of the Bellevue Towers condo auction soon... like Gerding Edlen's other projects
So basically, I stopped blogging after my fellow resident got
mad at me for posting. They are on the same floor as I live on, so I didn't want to spread too much ill will. After a month of still being woken up by construction and various other mishaps throughout the building, I was ready to put the blog back up, but when I was contacted by Realty Trust about submitting a proposal, I decided not to. At this point, I'm still pretty pissed and lacking sleep. I'm waiting for feedback and in hopes that i'll get some decent news. But i'll start blogging privately (restricted viewing access) to vent my many frustrations that have still being going on since my last post.